Tues. January 20, 2009 I'VE BEEN TAGGED
I got a post that I have been tagged by DEBHORST. Yeah!! So I am going to follow along with this and pay it forward.
Here the rules as I read them on Deb's blog.
1)Link the person who tagged you (which I did above)
2)Mention the rules (which I am listing out right now)
3)Tell 6 things about myself (they will follow below)
4)Tag 6 other bloggers by linking to them--they are: Betty (gbedwright), Angie (fivekids7), Jessie (knightrone), Silke (sparklegirl), Kelly (atomicbutterfly), Amy (pickletree)
5)Go to each person's blog and leave them a comment letting them know they have been tagged.
Now, here are 6 things about me:
- I am known for being hard to get IN bed at night and hard to get OUT of bed in the morning! I inherited that trait from my grandmother. (See, I can't help it)
- I love sweets! Chocolate, of any size, texture or color! Cookies, chewy candy, pastries, candy corn, ice cream, etc., etc., (get the idea)?! :D
- My Mother and I are great friends! We share an awesome relationship.
- I'm currently getting addicted to Mario Bros. on my daughters DS (help!!! All I don't need is ANOTHER addiction)! LOL !!
- We have a 2 yr. old boxer named Duke. Our children love having a house pet!
- Last but not least, I have a personal relationship with the Lord! He is a part of my life everyday!