easter photos
Easter...... The time of year when our family celebrates the resurrection of our risen Lord. I just recently watched The Passion of Christ......what a heart wrenching film!
On a lighter note.....here's a few photos I took as we enjoyed the holiday. This year we all wore yellow. So, when I edited the photos I added some hints of yellow.
I have to share this.......My husband and oldest daughter went to trade days (like a large outdoor flea market) over the weekend. They went empty handed. But came home with a Holland Lop eared rabbit. You can imagine what that started! Three other munchkins wanted rabbits too! So, the next day. Their daddy took them and let them all get one. One rabbit turned into five!! And who knows how many five will turn into!!!??? Yikes! They can mate and have babies in a month! I'll definitely keep you all updated! lol