Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth of July photos....

We had a safe and happy July 4th.....we started the day with a parade. We then went to a birthday party.......and we just finished off the day going to our hometown fireworks. I'm wore out but it was worth it!

This building is like an art museum in our town.
I took this photo of my munchkins a few
minutes before the parade started.
Someone always has to act silly.
The two girls with the RW&B hair bows are mine.
The other two girls are my nieces.
The horses in the parade were so beautiful.
They were one of our favorites.

I couldn't resist this festive looking wagon.
It's just full of character.

My hubby, his brother, and some friends

rode in the parade.....they're cute! :)

Independence Day....

Happy July 4th!!!
I hope you have a safe and fun filled day!

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