Wednesday, May 20, 2009

let's spice things up with shaped cards....

What a fun challenge Caardvarks has put out this week! Hands's one of my favorites! I had a blast with this one! I've enjoyed seeing what the other designers have come up with!! You'll definitely want to peek at them! Talk about creative talent!! They've got it!!

I want to invite you to play along with our shaped cards here for the details.

I stumbled on this idea after cutting out a circle that I ended up not using. I folded the circle in half to get it out of my way. In doing so, I realized that it took on the perfect shape of a taco shell. The most difficult part was getting the filling to look just right. I used shredded paper for the main filling and cut small pieces of CS for the lettuce and shredded cheese. The tomatos are small pieces of CS folded a couple times. I CB'd the shell and added scorch marks with a brown marker to make it look more realistic. The sentiment is a sticker that's stuck on a toothpick.
Thanks so much for looking and all your kind comments and support! You guys are terrific!!!

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