Pink Elephant Challenge #5 Pink, Green and Brown...... Baby Announcement
Bear with me.....I've had this penchant for collages lately.....I have to admit. I struggled with this one. Baby announcements are NOT my forte!! I worked on it here..... and I worked on it there.....I tried this.....and then I tried that....Finally, It felt right enough for me to quit fiddling with it. If you look closely. You can see the clothes pins I painted and decorated to use for this photo . I simply painted the clothes pins. Smeared paper glaze over the painted surface and sprinkled glitter edge to edge. I decorated one of the clothes pins with some green twine and resin flowers.
Just for kicks....I'd like to share the photo experience with you. My oldest daughter was helping me...... One end of the string was tied to a centerpiece that is on my dining room table. While my daughter held the other end of the string. The clothes pins took on a mind of their own...My daughter was laughing like a houdini, which made the clothesline bounce like crazy!! That makes getting a good photo almost i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e!!! Long story short.....No cards, people or pets were hurt in this venture!! We all came out in one piece. And if Laughter really is the best medicine.....My daughter will be healthy for a LONG time!!!